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4850 BX 61 LLZ AD E40D SFD4DSBRFBGX36370 AD B413/21 H45/32F
New to Perry Barr garage 1/12
transferred to Birmingham Central garage 6/24
Perry Barr
1st January 2021

Perry Barr
7th February 2020

Newtown Row, Aston
6th April 2018

Perry Barr
13th May 2017

Moor Street Queensway, Birmingham
17th August 2016

Newtown Row, Aston
17th September 2015

Moor Street Queensway, Birmingham
13th May 2014

Perry Barr garage
23rd August 2012

Moor Street Bus Mall, Birmingham
24th July 2012

Aldridge Road, Perry Barr
3rd July 2012

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